Scandinavian Energydrink Reviews

Hello there, we are three guys that share a love for energydrinks and in that sense, also know much about energydrinks and have tasted more energydrinks than most people where we live (Sweden).
We will try to post at least 2 reviews a week, so stay tuned!

Want to know in which stores we found the the energydrinks?
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And we will send you a personal answer.


Monster Energy: Export/Import (250ml/240ml can)
Just going to warn in advance that this post contains some foul language!


I have to be honest, it tastes like regular Monster...
Which is crap!
Because they're meant to taste a little bit more "european" (?).
But since here in Sweden, they are such cheap bastards so they won't even give us the real deal!
They didn't even give us the reclosable can for fucks sake!
Now, if you want the real export, you have to look for the Monster Import (USA) or take a look at the back of the can since the one I had said this:

"    At Monster we're 
    used to thining big!

   We also know sometimes a 

   "Quick Hit" is all you need.

   You asked for it you got it...
   Monster Mini's.

   Same big buzz
   Sexy little can.  "

What it should say is:

"    While in Europe last summer at the Spanish Moto GP, we saw a cool
    re-sealable can and knew it would be perfect for Monster.
    The can company said, “only available in Europe.” We said, “B.S., we gotta  have it!"

    Next stop Amsterdam, Holland and a specialty plant to fill the funky can with our 
    new super premium Monster import formula. 
   Monster import has a clean, smooth Euro-flavor, less calories, but still gets you off as
   good as the original.

   If you can open and close the can with one hand you probably dated a lot when you were younger.

   One Hand No Hassle!

So honestly, I can't really do a review on this since SMX who's got the rights for Monster in Sweden is too cheap to sell us the real Export!
So sadly, you'll have to look elsewhere for the real review.


The design is really nice as usual, but this can looks alot better in a small format!
And the American Import version looks even better with it's excellent reclosable top!
Hell yeah!


Don't want to drink a 500ml can but still want a great kick?
This is a great choise!
So for a 250ml can, really good!

I bought this at a local Petrol-station or whatever you like to call it!
It cost me quite a lot for just being a 250ml can, but I'd still pay up from a Red Bull for this.
It cost me €1.75 which is about $2.10 so it's quite expensive...
But I believe it's a lot cheaper in some other countries, definatly in the U.S.


I will not give ratings to this energydrink since It's just a regular Monster.
Check my earlier review of the Monster (green), for referance.




Monster Energy: Khaos (500ml can)


This Monster is a really nice juice drink to start things up, it's got 50% juice content.
I usually don't like juice and energydrink blends but this one was very nice!
You feel the taste of Monster going on in the background which really gives it a nice blend, and then the main punch of flavour comes from the tangerine which really gives it a nice sour but also fresh taste.
I think this tastes better than the Ripper (yellow) and is one of my favourite juice/energydrink blends!


As usual Monster makes cool looking cans and pops out from the shelves when you are browsing the soft drink isle in your local supermarket.
It's not mindblowing or like "Oh my god, look at that super awesome sexy ass hot damn can over there!" but really does looks good.
And like all the juice Monsters it's got this wielded metal look with illustrated bolts and stuff which looks quite cool.


All the Monsters give a excellent kick, and this is no expception!
Try a Monster and you'll see how nice the kick is!


The Khaos is rare, I just found it in a shop and snapped it up and in a matter of a week they were all gone and now I can't find them anywhere!
These are priced the same as the regular Monsters at about €2 which is $2.50, and I can promise you it's quite the moneys worth even tho it's not as priceworthy as the Rockstar is.


Taste: 8/10
Design: 8/10
Kick 10/10
Price: 7/10
Overall: 8/10
Rasmus' Opinion: 8.5/10
Axel's Opinion: 8/10


Review by Emanuel. 


Monster Energy: Ripper/M80 (500/250ml can)


The 3rd Monster so far is the Monster Ripper, also known as the M80 in other countries because it's got 80%
juice in it.
And since it's a juice drink, it tastes of... fruit!
In this case apples, which tastes quite nice!
I would recommend going with the 250ml can which is sadly quite rare to find, because otherwise you'll get bored of this drink when you are about halfway thru.
Don't get me wrong, it's a really nice drink, just so odd it wears you out I guess.
This drink has gotten a lot of mixed criticism, some hate it others love it.
I guess I'll say I'm in the middle, even tho I think it's more on the good side than the bad side.


The design of this can is like a regular Monster, nice and cool.
But the juice Monsters have this metal/steel design which incases the logo and goes around the whole can, which looks O.K.
Other then that it's nothing special...


As usual the Monster delivers a wicked kick to your brain to get you going!
This is the same energywise compared to orignal Monster (green), which is excellent!
So get this if you need a good kick!


This you can find almost anywhere, just go to any big grosarystore and you'll probably find it...
The price is around €2 ($2.50).
It's pretty standard for 500ml cans, but then again it's a lot cheaper than Red Bull per litre.

Taste: 7/10
Design: 8/10
Kick: 10/10
Price: 7/10
Overall: 7.5/10
Axel's Opinion: 6/10


Review by Emanuel.  


X-Ray Energy Drink (250ml can)
Just going to warn in advance that this post contains some foul language!

This energy drink tastes of piss mixed with Red Bull and more piss.
I think this is the worst Red Bull knock-off that exists, I've met people who actually love this drink and I just can't understand why!
It's got a really washy taste and is just so low quality tasting it's unbelievable!
Don't drink this unless it's you're really in the need for an energydrink and this is your only option.


The design is not much better than the drink itself, it's low tech and not orignial at all!
Looks cheap and could of been designed by a fucking elephant sitting on a keyboard while in photoshop or paint or something!
It's just ugly, okay?


Not good, not bad, just average.
A little weaker than a Red Bull but not much.


This drink is very overpriced, in my opinon it shouldn't even be sold or at least be given out for free!
There are several low-price energydrinks that tastes a lot better than X-Ray and is cheaper as well, I've seen this in quite many places so it's easy to pick up you want to for some weird reason...
It's about €1 to €1.50 which is about $2-2.25 I think.


Taste: 2/10
Design: 3/10
Kick: 5/10
Price: 3/10
Overall: 3/10 
Rasmus' Opinion: 4/10 
Axel's Opinion: 4/10


Review by Emanuel.


Rockstar Energy (500ml can)


The taste on this one is very tart, and sort of reminds me of a Monster but less sweet and a much stronger tart taste and sourness.
It's actually very good and will always be a top 10 drink in my books.
So if you sorta dig the Monster taste but think it's too sweet and want something with a more mature taste, go with this one for sure!


This design is of course popular!
It's called Rockstar - Which is super badass!
And the big star with the mirrored R's and the gold top with the red details looks very cool.
Some parts it looks a little messy, but still very high marks!


Rockstar Energy does have a great kick, tho not as strong as the Monster but still very good and above average!
That's all really.


I first found these in a shop for extreme sports and so on.
So if you have a Hardware shop in your area go in there and they should sell these.
The cheapest place to find these is in ICA kvantum, they sell them for €2.50 for two or €1.50 for one, which is super cheap!
These are not that hard to find in cities, but in smaller towns they're a lot harder to find.

Taste: 8/10
Design: 9/10
Kick: 8/10 
Price: 10/10
Overall: 8.5/10
Axel's Opinion: 8/10
Rasmus' Opinion: 8.5/10


Review by Emanuel.

Monster Energy: Low Carb (500ml can)


Last time we reviewed the Monster origninal, not it's time for it's "diet" version.
To start off, this is SUPER sweet!
It's worse than a sugarbomb, it's a sugarNUKE!
You know why?
It's the sweeteners!
They're like 2x sweeter than sugar and that's too much to handle!
I mean, this is really nice and so on...
But it's just way to sweet and the original flavour sorta gets hidden by the sweetness.
But it still tastes Monster and it's still good, so unless you are on a diet, drink the green one instead!


As usual Monster does have a really nice design and it's easy to tell all the various kinds of Monsters apart by the colours they are.
And of course it looks really nice on the shelf and so on, so quite high marks on design.


As I said in the last review, the Monster does give a special kick that is super strong and fun.
I get a real nice buzz by Monster that others doesn't really give me.
So this is absolutely the choise if you want a great boost!


The low-carb Monster is the same price as the green one, so just check my last review for more details.
These are sold almost everywhere too, so you won't have real troubles finding them, haven't seen them in Finland but they must be around, just check Gas/Petrolstations, they usually have 'em.

Taste: 8/10
Design: 8/10
Kick: 10/10
Price: 7/10
Overall: 8/10
Rasmus' Opinion: 6,5/10


Review by Emanuel.


White Tiger Energy Drink (250ml can)


Well, it tastes better than normal energydrinks because of the fact that you'll get a better conciance!
White Tiger is a product that's marked with the Fairtrade symbol which means the workers who made this energydrink was paid properly and worked in good enviroments etc.
But back to topic, the taste.
This tastes, a lot like Red Bull, maybe a little weaker in taste.
It's got a very mild and refreshing feeling and it feels, how can I put it... clean?
But yeah, you can taste that it's good quality and it's quite enjoyable since it's mild taste makes it a lot easier to drink than perhaps a Powerking.


The design on this can is very sleek and fresh.
Very modern and nice colours with it's White/Blue/Silver scheme and symetrical patterns.
Really nice design that goes with the taste, fresh and clean!


This energydrink does not give a good kick, at least not for someone who drinks a lot of energydrinks (me!) but it's not any worse than just a Red Bull and so on...
I guess two cans would do the trick!
So this is not for people who's got a higher tolorance level!


Well, this is priced the same as a regular Red Bull.
About €1.50 ($2), which is not too bad and the money is actually going towards something as well, so instead of buying your usual Red Bull, pick this one up and give it a try sometime!
If it wasn't for the Fairtrade symbol I would think it's a little bit overpriced.

Taste: 7/10
Design: 8/10
Kick: 5/10
Price: 6/10
Overall: 7/10
Axel's Opinion: 7/10


Review by Emanuel.