Scandinavian Energydrink Reviews

Hello there, we are three guys that share a love for energydrinks and in that sense, also know much about energydrinks and have tasted more energydrinks than most people where we live (Sweden).
We will try to post at least 2 reviews a week, so stay tuned!

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Dark Dog (500ml can)


I opened the can and had a smell. I thought no this is just gonna be another Red Bull clone. Well it was similar but it was better then red bull. It didint have that sour after taste and it was much sweeter, after drinking it for about 5 minutes you get kind of bored with it.
Not very original taste but if you want that classic Red Bull taste you should go for this baby much better then the other clones.


Well I like the cap it matches the ''Energy'' text. Nothing special with the can of course the name has an animal like most clones. The logo looks okay a bit strange but it stands out on the shelf with the yellow can


The kick was alright, it lasted for about 20 minutes or so.


I have heard from friends that you can find it in Haparanda near the Finnish border.
And it says on their website that you can find it all over Europe and USA.
I picked mine up on a kiosk in town for about €2.
I believe that you can order it from their website, but I'm not sure.

Taste: 8/10
Design: 6/10
Kick: 5/10
Price: 7/10
Overall: 7.5/10
Emanuel's Opinion: 6.5/10
Rasmus' Opinion: 9/10

Review by Axel.

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