Scandinavian Energydrink Reviews

Hello there, we are three guys that share a love for energydrinks and in that sense, also know much about energydrinks and have tasted more energydrinks than most people where we live (Sweden).
We will try to post at least 2 reviews a week, so stay tuned!

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Monster Energy (500ml can)


Ah, my good friend Monster!
This is one of the first energydrinks I've ever bought because I remember it got so(oooooooooooooooo) much hype it was hard to resist buying it!
And the hype was not for nothing, this energydrink is amazing.
I don't know if it's my favourite but the taste is basically, a super-sweet syrup bomb with so much taste going on that all I'm going to tell you is: Buy it!
Since I'm probably going to use this as a referance a lot in other reviews you should really give it a taste so you will know what I'm talking about.


The design of the Monster cans is very simple but neat, it's enough to draw your attension and also it's name makes everyone who's 12 years of age and younger want to drink it (haha).
But the design all-in-all isn't that über special otherwise.


The weird thing about Monster is that it REALLY gives you a good kick, I mean you'll be running like a duracellrabbit.
I don't want to hype it, but it's really sweet!


A can of Monster is €2 almost at every place you buy it, and it's really easy to find, but not quite as easy as Red Bull or Burn is.
It's expensive in a way yes, but I think that it's totally worth it.
Unleash the beast!

Taste: 9/10
Design 8/10
Kick: 10/10
Price: 7/10
Overall: 9/10
Axel's Opinion: 8/10
Rasmus' Opinion: 8/10


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