Scandinavian Energydrink Reviews

Hello there, we are three guys that share a love for energydrinks and in that sense, also know much about energydrinks and have tasted more energydrinks than most people where we live (Sweden).
We will try to post at least 2 reviews a week, so stay tuned!

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Monster Energy: Khaos (500ml can)


This Monster is a really nice juice drink to start things up, it's got 50% juice content.
I usually don't like juice and energydrink blends but this one was very nice!
You feel the taste of Monster going on in the background which really gives it a nice blend, and then the main punch of flavour comes from the tangerine which really gives it a nice sour but also fresh taste.
I think this tastes better than the Ripper (yellow) and is one of my favourite juice/energydrink blends!


As usual Monster makes cool looking cans and pops out from the shelves when you are browsing the soft drink isle in your local supermarket.
It's not mindblowing or like "Oh my god, look at that super awesome sexy ass hot damn can over there!" but really does looks good.
And like all the juice Monsters it's got this wielded metal look with illustrated bolts and stuff which looks quite cool.


All the Monsters give a excellent kick, and this is no expception!
Try a Monster and you'll see how nice the kick is!


The Khaos is rare, I just found it in a shop and snapped it up and in a matter of a week they were all gone and now I can't find them anywhere!
These are priced the same as the regular Monsters at about €2 which is $2.50, and I can promise you it's quite the moneys worth even tho it's not as priceworthy as the Rockstar is.


Taste: 8/10
Design: 8/10
Kick 10/10
Price: 7/10
Overall: 8/10
Rasmus' Opinion: 8.5/10
Axel's Opinion: 8/10


Review by Emanuel. 

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