Scandinavian Energydrink Reviews

Hello there, we are three guys that share a love for energydrinks and in that sense, also know much about energydrinks and have tasted more energydrinks than most people where we live (Sweden).
We will try to post at least 2 reviews a week, so stay tuned!

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X-Ray Energy Drink (250ml can)
Just going to warn in advance that this post contains some foul language!

This energy drink tastes of piss mixed with Red Bull and more piss.
I think this is the worst Red Bull knock-off that exists, I've met people who actually love this drink and I just can't understand why!
It's got a really washy taste and is just so low quality tasting it's unbelievable!
Don't drink this unless it's you're really in the need for an energydrink and this is your only option.


The design is not much better than the drink itself, it's low tech and not orignial at all!
Looks cheap and could of been designed by a fucking elephant sitting on a keyboard while in photoshop or paint or something!
It's just ugly, okay?


Not good, not bad, just average.
A little weaker than a Red Bull but not much.


This drink is very overpriced, in my opinon it shouldn't even be sold or at least be given out for free!
There are several low-price energydrinks that tastes a lot better than X-Ray and is cheaper as well, I've seen this in quite many places so it's easy to pick up you want to for some weird reason...
It's about €1 to €1.50 which is about $2-2.25 I think.


Taste: 2/10
Design: 3/10
Kick: 5/10
Price: 3/10
Overall: 3/10 
Rasmus' Opinion: 4/10 
Axel's Opinion: 4/10


Review by Emanuel.

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